

I am an average joe type person. I was sick and tired of being shunned by women in the bar.

Man, I thought my pickup lines are damn cool.

to cut long story short, i was bored and try some surfing at work (dun tell my boss heh)when i stumble across some asian dating sites.
was one of them. I sign up for free which was cool.

but then something happened...

I was practically swamped by emails asking to make friends with me!

Hey, if you are an attention-starved, hormone charged joe like me, this is truly god-send!

yeah, I have heard of stories about filipina women ripping western guys so i was wary of them.

until i met Irene, something clicked between us and we kept sending emails to and forth.

3 months later, i flew over to Manila, Philippines to see her in real person.
Man, that was the happiest day of my life and i stayed there for 3 weeks.
now we are awaiting for her papers so that i could bring her over here.
I really like to thank for their Filipina dating site which brought us two together.

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thanks to filipinaheart
Irene and Me